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This handy ebook provides some helpful tips for your deployment life. Although there may be new challenges you will face, having this book to begin the thought process of what is needed will have you prepared.

I’ve addressed a few topics in this eBook to help you get ready for your time away from home.

Truly, this is the ideal eBook to have when you are called to deploy with less than 24 to 72 hours to report to your new work location. Now you can feel at ease knowing that you have taken the time to prepare, and get ready to go. This indispensable handbook includes a page where you can write important notes and store all your deployment-related data for future use.

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About the book

Without a toolset, working at a deployed location far from home can be challenging.

I’ve addressed a few topics in this eBook to help you get ready for your time away from home. The ideal eBook to have when you need to deploy for 24 to 72 hours is this one. You will feel at ease knowing that you have enough time to prepare, set, and deploy because you will be more than 75% prepared. Having this book will relieve tension and give your family the necessary tools. Start today preparing for the call because deployments might last for a short while or for many years. This indispensable handbook includes a page where you may make notes and store all your deployment-related data for future use.

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